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英文人工智能应用-人工智能应用 英文

C0f3d30c8C0f3d30c8时间2024-06-07 07:22:38分类应用领域浏览30
导读:大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于英文人工智能应用的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍英文人工智能应用的解答,让我们一起看看吧。ai的好处用英语介绍?人工智能带给我们哪些的优点英语句子?ai的好处用英语介绍?Benefits of artificial intelligence1. Impro……...


  1. ai的好处用英语介绍?
  2. 人工智能带给我们哪些的优点英语句子?


Benefits of artificial intelligence

1. Improve efficiency

英文人工智能应用-人工智能应用 英文

Data is now as important to business as oil, making it necessary to process it accurately and quickly to get results in real time.

DeepMind is a good example of how this kind of AI is being used to diagnose eye diseases that affect vision with the same accuracy as the world's top clinicians.

2. Eliminate human error

英文人工智能应用-人工智能应用 英文

Even the best of us are prone to mistakes, whether they are lapses in concentration or simple mistakes. However, ai machines built to perform specific tasks do not exhibit these characteristics.

3. Provide ***arter technology

Ai will be used to power many of our automated services in the future. These services could be ***art cities that are expected to improve the environment, or self-driving cars that use ARTIFICIAL Intelligence to n***igate roads and assess obstacles.

英文人工智能应用-人工智能应用 英文


Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to。人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论方法技术及应用系统一门新的技术科学。人工智能是计算


利:可以为整个社会提供最智能的云服务!让社会井井有条。弊:即使是程序上最微小的错误(包括有人故意破坏)都有可能导致其计算结果产生巨大偏差!如钢铁侠里面。Google AlphaGo and Li Shishi go man-machine war makes artificial intelligence has become a hot topic recently,Artificial intelligence is a very wide range of science, it is 。



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