
Benefits of artificial intelligence
1. Improve efficiency
Data is now as important to business as oil, making it necessary to process it accurately and quickly to get results in real time.
DeepMind is a good example of how this kind of AI is being used to diagnose eye diseases that affect vision with the same accuracy as the world's top clinicians.
2. Eliminate human error
Even the best of us are prone to mistakes, whether they are lapses in concentration or simple mistakes. However, ai machines built to perform specific tasks do not exhibit these characteristics.
3. Provide ***arter technology
Ai will be used to power many of our automated services in the future. These services could be ***art cities that are expected to improve the environment, or self-driving cars that use ARTIFICIAL intelligence to n***igate roads and assess obstacles.
air(空气)、 aim(瞄准、目标) 、aid (援助、帮助)、airport (机场)ailment(疾病、病痛) fair (公平)、fail (失败)、faith(信任、中教信仰)、 faint(晕倒、昏厥)、rain (雨、下雨)、daily (一天的、每天的)、daisy(菊科植物) dairy (牛奶场、乳品公司)、said (说)、sail(启航、驾驶帆船)、hair (头发)、Thailand (泰国)。
air 空气 airport 飞机场 pair 双,对
baiting 诱饵,诱惑 bailee 受托人 bailiff 法警
daily 日常的,每日的 dairy 奶制品,奶牛,乳品的,牛奶的
gain 获得 gainer 获得者,胜利者 pain 疼痛
hair 头发 hailstone 冰雹
wait 等待